Sunday 6 July 2014

The Shylife Specia! Caleb: Young Lust

Welcome to Caleb's special little story! Last time Saul was having a party but one guest was causing problems. Dharma Raon was spotted by the paparazzi and her housemates began to panic...

CALEB: Libby hey...
LIBBY: Why did you invite her? Are you really that much of a hormonal pubescent teen???
CALEB: What...
LIBBY: Dharma's been spotted by a reporter outside your house! Happy now???
CALEB: Libby it's not my party! I didn't invite anybody!
LIBBY: Oh...

LIBBY: You have to help me!
CALEB: Why? What...
LIBBY: Please Caleb, I need you to grow up just for a few minutes and help me!
CALEB: Okay, okay! What do you need me to do?

LIBBY: I need you to tell her she has to go home! She'll take it from you, she thinks you're cute!
CALEB: She does? *grin*
LIBBY: Stop already, just do what I ask okay?

STEFAN: This is bad, Benton is freaking out!
DHARMA: Oh relax, it's all good! Wow your pool is pretty cute, like you Caleb!

CALEB: You have to leave, you weren't invited!
DHARMA: Wow, rude?
CALEB: I can't have you coming round here and causing problems for my family, as if we're not harassed enough by the paps! Just go!
DHARMA: FINE!!! You know, I thought you were cute, but you're actually a little twerp!

CALEB: Think what you like Dharma, I don't really care!
STEFAN: C'mon Dharma we have to get you away from the windows!
DHARMA: You'll be sorry Caleb Von Strunkle, you and that pink haired jezabelle!
STEFAN: Tell Kylie I said hi?

CALEB: Well done Saul! You do realise that Dharma is an alien hiding out at Libby and Fiona's right?
SAUL: She what now?

SAUL: She stole my sausages!!!

Dharma didn't take kindly to Caleb's harsh tongue, in fact she had a few lessons for the young wannabe stud. Starting with his brother's beloved girlfriend!

MILES: So did you miss me?
FIONA: Nope!

MILES: didn't...ouch!
FIONA: Your hair is way too purple and your tattoos are garish!
MILES: Fi! Baby!

KYLIE: What's up with you two?
MILES: She's...not my Fi!
FIONA: Think you're so irresistible when you're really a freak with weird hair!
KYLIE: No she's just a woman!

As Miles came to terms with Fiona's drastic personality change, Luna met with Benton in the garden.

LUNA: So you were gonna go without even saying goodbye?
BENTON: We have to get Dharma back home before the paps get a hold of her!
LUNA: She's not what she seems you know!

BENTON: And neither are you, neither am I for that matter! Look, I really like you but the fact is you're too young for me right now! It's a problem because I'm...really into you!
LUNA: Then be with me when I'm old enough.
BENTON: My priority is Dharma, sorry!
LUNA: That will change when she shows her true colours, she's not right, I can feel it!

BENTON: Yeah okay sweetie, I'll see you around!

Luna was frustrated that she couldn't get through to Benton, she knew Dharma was not telling them the whole truth but Benton still had a crush on her and could see no badness in her whatsoever!

Libby was afraid, Caleb could smell it! And the person she was afraid of was Dharma, the girl she had vowed to protect! Caleb couldn't understand what was going on, why was Libby all of a sudden scared of Dharma?

CALEB: I thought you'd be helping the others get Dharma home!
LIBBY: I don't feel safe at home, I just wanted a little time away. Is that okay with you?

CALEB: Libs, I know you think I'm just a stupid kid, but if you need to talk...
LIBBY: I do! I really do!
CALEB: Then talk to me, I'll listen! I'll even try and help!

LIBBY: I wish you could cutie! You'd just think I was mad like the others.
CALEB: No, I believe in you Libs! I do!
LIBBY: I like that, Libs! You must be special, I would rip anyone else's tongue out if they called me anything other than Libby!

CALEB: Talk to me!
LIBBY: Okay but you won't believe it!
CALEB: Let me be the judge of that?

LIBBY: Dharma didn't crash, well not by accident, she isn't being pursued by the science facility! She lied!
CALEB: Why? And how do you know this?
LIBBY: Apparently she's been hypnotising us all and making us think that we're in danger, all because she wants to stay here undetected or something, I dunno why. I had a headache last night and I went to bed early, when I got up for a glass of water I saw her doing her mojo on the others...and I panicked!

LIBBY: I don't know why she is doing this, I don't know why she is hiding out at our house. But it's not the scientists she's hiding from and at the moment I'm the only one of my housemates that isn't under her influence! Caleb I don't want to go back! I'm so scared! But if I don't then she'll know I'm onto her! I have to go, I'll see you!
CALEB: Libby wait...

Kylie tried to explain to her heartbroken brother that Fiona was under some kind of spell. But he was convinced that she'd fallen out of love with him, and he went to his room to mope...

...and cry over their cute lovey dovey photos.

The only thing that could make him feel better was the garden! So he went to help his mother outside.

Phoebe Von Strunkle was a smart little girl. The daughter of a vampire and a witch, she took after her father but showed a lot of her mother's wisdom.

She was going to have a birthday soon and grow into a child. Her daddy was not looking forward to that, having missed out on her time as a baby and most of her toddlerhood, Saul wanted to spend more time with his little girl before she started school.

Saul was a very hands-on dad, he spent every moment he could with his daughter when he wasn't working. Sapphira wanted to get a job but Saul insisted on being the bread winner in their marriage.

Phoebe loved her daddy, she knew she would even before she met him. She had a connection with him that even she couldn't understand. Was it the vampire side of her that was in tune with him? Or was it plain old genetics?

Whatever it was, Phoebe adored him!

Not a fan of getting wet, her daddy had a way of making her bath times fun. Phoebe was a little scared of water, but daddy and bubbles made her giggle!

Sometimes she would feel a little uneasy, but a toothy smile from Saul always brought her back!

SAUL: There we go cutie, all clean! Tickle monster loves talc, yum yum!
PHOEBE: *giggles* Daddy noooooooooeeees!!!

Still depressed over Fiona's behaviour, Miles tended the garden in the rain as his little sister Kylie tried to get through to him once more.

KYLIE: Miles she's been hexed or something! I asked Sapphira and she says that irrational changes in behaviour are classic signs of bewitching or hexing or hypnosis...whatever! She still loves you I know she does!
MILES: I just want to mope right now Kyles, okay?
MILES: No leave me, I'm distraught!

As Kylie struggled to get through to Miles, two of her other brothers were not getting along so well.

CALEB: See? Bleeehhhhh!!!
SAUL: Lovely, your tongue is pink! So's mine, so what?

SAUL: HEY! That's my baby! Put her down!
PHOEBE: Uncle Caweb! Wuv yooooo!
CALEB: See? It's all good!
SAUL: You drop her and I'll kill you!

Miles continued to help his mother in the garden, drowning his sorrows within the sprinklers!

Lillith used the seed station to determine what seeds she had recently picked up...

...and she seemed happy with the outcome!

Milking her new cow however, this did not appeal to her one bit!

LIL: I've to do WHAT???

Eventually she got the hang of it and quite enjoyed the experience...

...until she realised the cow did not excrete plasma!

LIL: It's not red!!!

No, because that would be very wrong! O_O

Then she tried to feed it a poke of peas?

But poor old Bessie wasn't into that much!

LIL: I hate cows!
COW: Gimme a cupcake!

And of course no session on your game is complete without the invisible object scenario!

LIL: Help? I can't move!

Yes you can you dumb green haired so and so!

LIL: Eh no I can't? Why are you so cruel?

Why are you so stupid??? >.<

Eventually she went to feed her new chickens forgetting all about the invisible blockage!

During his heartbreak, Miles gained an admirer.

BUNNY GNOME: You're so beautiful!
MILES: *sigh* I'm so broken! *sob*

Abandoning the bunny gnome, Miles continued to work on the garden as his skin began to smoulder.

MILES: Let me die, I don't care! I'd rather burn than live in a world where Fi doesn't love me!

Oh my god, now I'm depressed too! :(

While sadness tainted the legacy house, Luna headed over to Uncle Noah's who was sporting a rather fetching mohawk!

Luna was in fact visiting her cousins, twins Robin and Ramona. She needed to get away from her depressing brothers!

What she was getting excited about would soon become clear...

LUNA: Hey cousin Robin, let's do our homework!

However Robin was more frightened of the thunder and lightning than her homework.

But when the reality sunk in, she was less than thrilled to be doing it. And she hid it so well lol! ;)

ROBIN: Booooooring!
LUNA: Oh boy, oh boy!

ROBIN: Thank goodness my dad didn't win the heir poll!
ROBIN: Well your family is snoozeville! We have so much more fun over here!
LUNA: Homework is cool!

LUNA: I'm never coming here again, I can't believe we're related!
ROBIN: Can I copy you?

Lillith was climbing the career ladder quickly and was sent out to give vaccinations at the park.

As she arrived, there weren't any candidates. This was going to be a waste of time!

LIL: It's wet, it's dark, why am I even here?

It's your job! She was suddenly startled by a familiar voice...

???: HI Auntie Lil!

LIL: Oh great! Hi Darla!
DARLA: Whatcha doin'?

LIL: Well, I'm giving the public important vaccinations against...something!
DARLA: Cool, well see ya!

LIL: I think you need  a shot, it's a rain parasite vaccination and you can't be too careful!
DARLA: Um, sure. Okay!

LIL: Here goes!
DARLA: Whoa that's a big needle Auntie Lil!
LIL: It's harmless, trust me!

DARLA: Wait I changed my mind OUUUUUCH!!!

LIL: See? No big deal!
DARLA: I can't feel my arm, but thanks!

Eventually Lil got a few more guinea pigs...I mean volunteers!

Sadly Luna did not get home in time and was picked up by the police!

LUNA: This is bad yeah?


LUNA: So I'm in trouble?

Your powers of observation are astounding young vampire!

LUNA: So what happens now?

Your brother goes ape is what happens now!

SAUL: ARRRRGH you are not my sister! CRIMINAL!
LUNA: Geez cool your jets ginger!
LUNA: I hate this family!

Caleb was still rather troubled, he couldn't get Libby out of his mind and he couldn't believe he ever liked Dharma. After hearing what was happening over there, and believing Libby completely, he wanted to protect her and to give her somewhere safe to stay. But his house was more than full, there already were eleven of them in an eight person household!

Not even his homework helped take his mind off things. he was a teenager! He shouldn't be having these worries! But remembering the troubles his grandfather had with his grandmother and her experiences, he counted himself lucky! But it still didn't stop him worrying about his beloved Libby!

Saul continued to potty train his little darling in time for her birthday.

She took it seriously, wanting her daddy to be proud of her.

PHOEBE: Here it comes!

Hanna, Saul's IF was obviously not ready for adulthood as she tried to steer him away from his daughter to play.

SAUL: I can't play with you Hanna, I have to take care of my baby! I grew up!

HANNA: *sob* Okay!

CALEB: Ghosts and stinky potties! UGH!
SAUL: This kid needs a slap!

Despite his disgust over ancestor Carly and Phoebe's potty, Caleb continued to moan rather than leave. Saul was seriously considering slapping!

Luna attempted to leave the house while grounded, but was apprehended by mama Von Strunkle.

Phryne took the plunge and emptied the potty as Saul and Caleb bickered. She was getting practice in for when she and Elliot finally had their little mermaid...or vampire! ;)

After getting out undetected, Luna stayed out a little longer than planned and heard the sirens again in the distance...

LUNA: Ummm...

LUNA: Crap! Gotta run!

Thinking she could outrun the law, Luna took off for home!

LUNA: Getting closer! What will happen if I get caught this time?

No ifs honey, you WILL get caught!

LUNA: I beg to differ...who is that?


LUNA: Hello officer!
POLICEWOMAN: Get in the car Von Strunkle!

Phryne was excited, her niece was aging up into a child!

As Saul brought her to her pretty cake, Phryne clapped with glee!

PHRYNE: Go Phoebs!

She seemed very happy to grow up, as did Saul, despite his initial apprehension!

SAUL: Phryne get that thing outta my ear will ya?
PHOEBE: Ow daddy, loud!

Excited, Phoebe giggled in her father's arms as he placed her gently on the ground...

PHOEBE: Yays I is growins!

Hail to the Von Strunkle squint!!!

Phoebe is now a cat person! :)

Saul could hardly take his eyes off of his little girl! She was the prettiest little girl he'd ever seen since he'd fallen in love with her mother!

Luna was rather upset that Elliot had grounded her for being caught out by the police. So she complained to her father right in front of poor Elliot!

LUNA: Elliot grounded me daddy! He's mean!
ELLIOT: Hello? You got arrested???

Lillith managed to get home in time for her granddaughter's coming of age, but the poor dear had an absent-minded moment, a trait she had passed down to a couple of her children and to poor wee Phoebs!

Miles got back to his alchemy station, he wanted to find some sort of potion to get Fiona back!

He worked tirelessly all day, he would never sleep another wink if it meant Fiona would love him again!

MILES: She will be mine again, I can't live if she's not!

Luna was rather perturbed and went to let off steam about her brother and father to Lillith...

LUNA: Daddy and Elliot are mean!
LIL: Uh-huh!

LIL: So you expect to go around unpunished for getting arrested TWICE?
LUNA: But...
LIL: No Luna, there are consequences in life sweetie, deal with it!
LUNA: Mummy you're mean!

Phoebe couldn't wait to get out into the sunshine as she knew it would be impossible after her teen years. The sandpit was her new favourite place!

She could stay there all day and all night if she could!

Aww cute little octopus!

PHOEBE: I love sand! Lalala!

Luna took her mother's lecture to heart and began helping around the house to get ungrounded...

...but when her cousin Rocco came home with Caleb and began gazing creepily at her, she was tempted to go to jail for punching him!

ROCCO: Hottie!
CALEB: Rocco come do your homework before my sister bites you!

Miles was getting nowhere with his potions, so he took a trip to the experts...and to sell the ones he had made!

The guy behind the counter couldn't help him, but he did sell a few potions!


Late that night, Libby snuck into the Von Strunkle house in search of Caleb who had only just arrived back from Rocco's house.

CALEB: Libby! Man am I happy to see you, I've not slept since we last spoke and...
LIBBY: I can't go back Caleb, I tried to...they've all turned on me and thrown me out! They say I'm putting Dharma in danger and I'm not wanted around there! I didn't do anything I...

Libby began to weep as Caleb grabbed her hand and squeezed it, swiftly letting go he knew he had to man up and help her...

CALEB: Look our house is full to the gunnels, but I have a tent in the garden and we can stay there until we work something out, but first you have to tell me exactly what happened okay?
LIBBY: *sniff* Okay, Caleb?
CALEB: Yes Libs?
LIBBY: Thanks!

LIBBY: Why are you helping me? I thought you liked Dharma, everybody likes Dharma!
CALEB: I...I like you more Libs! You're genuine, I feel your honesty and I didn't feel one bit of that from her!

LIBBY: She knows I'm onto her now, Caleb I'm in trouble!
CALEB: No, no you're not! I will protect you! I will keep you safe!

LIBBY: Fiona and me? We were solid, best friends! But since Dharma came along, we all changed, we were numb and focused on only one thing...her! I don't know why I became immune to her, but all I know is the others are still under her thrall!
CALEB: Miles is pretty cut up over Fiona's behaviour, she was really mean to him!
LIBBY: Well that's not her, she genuinely loves your brother! She met him the day after Dharma arrived, her love for him is real! Dharma is just masking it!

LIBBY: Dharma is a master of mind control! When you told her to leave she chose to punish me and you too by turning Fiona against Miles! Something that in real circumstances would be impossible because they are so in love! Caleb I don't want her to hurt you, I care about you and you're too sweet you don't deserve this you really don't!

LIBBY: CALEB??? What are you doing?
CALEB: I'm calling your house!
LIBBY: WHAT? No, please!
CALEB: Relax, trust me!

As the phone rang, Caleb got a bad feeling and rightly so when Dharma answered.

DHARMA: Hello there little vampire!
CALEB: Dharma how...
DHARMA: Is pinky the brainless there with you?
CALEB: You shut your mouth!
DHARMA: No, make me! Oh that's right you can't, you're just a baby vamp, you have no power over me! It's a shame your brother is so heartbroken over Fiona's rebuff! He could have been your greatest ally! Well nevermind...Stef, Benny and Fi are lost to you all! Fiona and Miles are the only ones that can stop me. Shame they're both out of action huh? Tell Libby I'm coming for her, night!

LIBBY: Caleb?
CALEB: We'll sleep in the tent tonight but then you need to hide in the basement, she can't come in there. Miles has his alchemy stuff down there and the door is locked to non family members!
LIBBY: Caleb you're scaring me!!!
CALEB: We'll be safe for the night!

LIBBY: Why won't you tell me what she said?
CALEB: I think I should stay in the house and keep watch, you'll be safer with me protecting you!
LIBBY: Caleb please!!!
CALEB: She's coming, dunno when, but we're on our own here! I can't bring mum and dad into this and Saul has Sapphy and Phoebs to protect. Elliot is not really much of a fighter and Phryne would probably drown her which isn't good!

Caleb made sure Libby was safe inside the tent and headed for the pool to keep watch. But when she came out of the tent and whimpered his name, he could no longer stand it...

...despite their age difference and despite her initial distaste of him he did what he'd been dying to do since they met!

Having never kissed a girl before, he held her tightly and just pressed his lips to hers, trying to breathe was proving difficult but he soldiered on! He wanted her to know just how much she meant to him!

Libby knew this was wrong, he was far too young for her, but she wanted him! Ever since she saw him at the pool party, he annoyed her...and she loved it! There was a reason why she'd turned to him in her hour of need, there was a reason why he chose her side over Dharma's! So she went with it and let him kiss her, clumsily, obviously he'd never kissed a girl before. And it was adorable!

LIBBY: Don't leave me, please?
CALEB: I...I don't want to but we'll get in trouble! If my parents find out they won't let me see you again! My mum was with an older guy when she was my age and my grandfather went totally nuts!
LIBBY: And if I die, will you still be in trouble then?

CALEB: Libs, please! Don't tempt me!
LIBBY: I'm begging you! Stay with me?
CALEB: Well I guess when they kill me I'll die happy!
LIBBY: CALEB! Hold me!

Safely inside the tent and wrapped in each other's arms, Caleb's heightened hearing detected footsteps outside as he leapt up and burst out of the tent to investigate...

LIBBY: What? What is it???

PHOEBE: Uncle Caleb? Why were you in the tent with that girl???
CALEB: Oh no!

CALEB: We were just camping out Phoebs! No big deal, don't tell your mum or dad okay?
PHOEBE: Okay, but...
CALEB: What?

PHOEBE: Can I tell Granny or Grandpa?
CALEB: NO! No one, this has to be our little secret okay?

PHOEBE: But Uncle Caleb, mummy always told me never to tell lies!
CALEB: It's not lies, you're just not telling them anything, not a lie! Please Phoebe???

CALEB: Cool, now go inside it's late!

Although Phoebe promised to keep quiet, when her dad caught her outside she blurted out what she had saw, and landed Caleb right in it!

Elliot continued to scan paintings, even his own!

He had been told by his grandmother a story of Bella and Mortimer, so he decided to draw them as described to him as a child.

Miles had not slept since his heartbreak and continued to look for a potion to help Fiona remember her love for him.

Knowing Caleb listened to Phryne, and due to the fact that Saul and Sapphira were not really ones to lecture teens in love after their conception of Phoebe, Saul enlisted her help to find out why he was entertaining a girl in the tent.

PHRYNE: Are you...being safe?
PHRYNE: Remember what happened to Saul at your age? He conceived a child he knew nothing about! You have to be careful Caleb!

CALEB: You really think I'm that stupid?
PHRYNE: Saul isn't stupid and he still did it!

CALEB: We didn't do THAT! She's older than me and we're just friends! Please Phryne drop this? I don't want to lose her as a friend!

PHRYNE: Okay, I'll stop bugging you now honey! Just be responsible!
CALEB: If I was doing that I would! Trust me!

Phryne seemed satisfied with their conversation, and Caleb managed to keep Libby's whereabouts safe!

Lillith continued her promotion success...

...despite not really doing much!

LIL: I just turn up!

Miles tried a potion on himself to see if he could win back Fiona's heart...

It didn't have the effect he'd desired, but it made him feel rather awesome for a few hours!

MILES: Try again, but this is so groovy!

Caleb had confessed to his parents that he was trying to keep Libby safe, Lillith told him she had to find somewhere else to stay and Sapphira suggested her cousin Lavinia Anderson. Caleb wasn't too keen on being apart from her, but knew it was in her best interests.

CALEB: Sapphy says Lavvy is really nice!
LIBBY: M-hmm!
CALEB: It won't be for long, Sapphy also told me Saul is having a costume party. Dharma is invited, but don't worry I'm going to talk to her, try and get her to leave you alone!

LIBBY: That won't work! She's doing this for a reason! She won't listen to you Caleb, I just know it! I'll go to stay with this Lavinia, if I'm gone it means you'll be safe too!

CALEB: Just let me try this, I might get through to her! Then you can stay...with me!

LIBBY: Oh Caleb, I wish it was that simple...I want so badly to stay and see the man you will become...

LIBBY: ...but it's safer for all concerned if I go!

The guests arrived for Saul's party, Ramona Von Strunkle and Angelus Lavelle for starters.

Miles had a fear of costumes since he saw an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in which they all became what they were dressed as. So seeing how well it worked for Xander he followed suit and dressed as a soldier!

MILES: Then I can protect everyone with my skills and training in combat!

Elliot went for a cuter costume than his brother...

...Luna tried to fight the rain with her wetsuit...

...Lillith went for head chef...

...Phoebe listened to her Uncle Miles and went as a superhero...

...Kylie was a tiger...

...Saul a detective...

...cowboy Caleb...

...Libby wanted to blend in so she copied Lillith to confuse Dharma...

...Phryne was a firefighter...

...Quinn became daddy tiger...

...and Sapphira opted out except for a mask!

Benton and Stefan were not happy to see Libby, thanks to Dharma they were brainwashed into thinking she was the enemy!

Dharma had it all sewn up, or so she thought!

Caleb lured her into the pool room, hoping he could talk some sense into her.

DHARMA: Hey little vamp! Wanna play?
CALEB: Dharma we need to talk!

DHARMA: Oh really?
CALEB: Yeah, please...can't we all just be friends?
DHARMA: Oh my gosh!

CALEB: I'm asking you, as a friend, to let bygones be by...
DHARMA: YAAAAWN! I am not going to barter with a baby vamp!

CALEB: You know when I age up, which is soon, I'm going to come after you! I'm going to come after you and I'm going to drink you dry! I've heard alien blood is very powerful! I'm going to destroy you and the ship you slithered down on! You'll never get back home ever again!

DHARMA: Oh yes? You and who's army???
CALEB: Hello? Big family full of vampires and witches and mermaids...need I go on???
DHARMA: Who says I wanna go home anyway? Maybe I like it here!

CALEB: Either way, if you don't lay off of Libby and her friends, I will destroy you!
DHARMA: Yeah okay, as if!

CALEB: I did warn you!
DHARMA: Well I'll take my chances, you don't scare me! I'll be gone by the time you age up and your pink haired jezabelle will be no more, along with her dimwitted friends!
CALEB: Oh it's not me you should worry about, yes I will have my revenge on you if you don't stop now...but there's a far more powerful and frightening person you've overlooked!
DHARMA: Like I said, I'll take my chances!
CALEB: On your head be it!

Caleb watched Dharma flee, knowing she had no intentions of negotiating. Plan B now was a go!

Miles managed to get Fiona alone for a moment, but it wasn't just her make-up that made her like a zombie, she seemed in a daze!

Miles took hold of her and kissed her, trying to snap her out of the trance...

FIONA: Do I know you?
MILES: Oh Fi!!!

As his heart broke, Miles took the chance to hold and kiss her once more. Scared of what was going to happen next, he vowed to find a cure for his beloved Fiona!

Libby had resigned herself to leaving, she knew by the look on Dharma's face that nothing had changed. As her former housemates all marched off in a trance-like state with Dharma in front, Libby sought refuge with Caleb.

LIBBY: It didn't work then?
CALEB: No, but don't worry!

LIBBY: You did your best, don't feel bad okay? I'm sure I'll love staying with Lavinia, and you can visit once you age up yeah?
CALEB: It might not come to that yet! Go and say goodbye to your friends, I have one more ace up my sleeve!

Libby hugged Caleb and did as she was told, unaware of exactly what he had planned.

Kylie watched her older brother with Libby, knowing that he was madly in love with her and would even risk everything to keep her by his side. She knew the plan, she'd told Miles all along that Fiona was under a spell of some kind, she just hoped this plan would work!

Libby stood on her old porch and tried to get her friend's attention...

LIBBY: Fi? Please talk to me? Why won't you move???

...but Fiona did not react!

LIBBY: I wanted to say goodbye, to tell you that I love you and you're the best friend I've ever had! I'll miss you so much!

CALEB's plan B was beginning to take shape as Sapphira teleported over to Libby's old house, but was met by Dharma.

DHARMA: You're too late witch! All my little puppets are in place! I'm going to enjoy annihilating Libby, she really did get on my nerves!

SAPPHIRA: What really is the point of all this?
DHARMA: They moved into this house just as I was about to land. There's a landing dock under the house and the inhabitants of my planet were to arrive three months ago when the house was abandoned, but no! Libby and Fiona had to buy it and bring those boys with them! So I crashed at the back so that they would get scared and vacate the property, an alien in their back yard! Only they took me in, were kind to me and offered to hide me when I made up some sob story about scientists looking for me. Then I made an anonymous call to the science facility to make it seem real, telling them about a spaceship crashing in the garden, but they hid it all! Stupid humans! So I had to go down another route, I manipulated their minds so that I could eventually get them to move out, but then Libby suddenly stopped being under my control...

SAPPHIRA: Well sorry to interrupt your little sorry tale, but I have some reversing to do!
DHARMA: Oh no you don't, my people are due to land in four hours and I have to destroy this house!
SAPPHIRA: Not today sweetie!

SAPPHIRA: Oh blessed Goddess of Will, unchain the minds of those enslaved, let them see the truth! Give them back their voice! 

DHARMA: Oh no you don't! I have waited far too long for this, you're not going to stop me now!
SAPPHIRA: Oh honey, why couldn't you just leave quietly?

SAPPHIRA: Oh Goddess of justice, make this girl suffer what she has put upon others!
DHARMA: Yeah, not gonna happen? You'd have to be a pretty powerful...

SAPPHIRA: So shall it be!
DHARMA: What the...

SAPPHIRA: And I'm more than just pretty powerful...I am THE most powerful witch you'll ever know!
DHARMA: *squeaky voice* Help!

SAPPHIRA: I know a witch who collects dolls just like you, don't worry, you'll be well looked after!

Libby was shocked to see Fiona suddenly turn around and say her name.

FIONA: Libby?
LIBBY: Oh Fi!!!

FIONA: Why are we standing out here in the cold?
LIBBY: Because we're stupid and...oh come here!!!

LIBBY: I'm so glad to have you back!
FIONA: Back? From where?
LIBBY: It doesn't matter, oh Fi I love you!

LIBBY: Oh, I think you should go see Miles, like really soon!
FIONA: Why? Is he okay?
LIBBY: Nothing a hug and a kiss from you won't fix!

Sapphira returned home to give Caleb the good news that Dharma had been dealt with.

SAPPHIRA: It's done!
CALEB: Thanks sis!
SAPPHIRA: Caleb, why didn't you come to me in the first place???

CALEB: Because I'm the youngest boy, I have this complex! All my brothers are strong and independent, I'm just a kid and...I wanted to save Libby myself! But thanks for being there when I needed you!

SAPPHIRA: Look I know you were hurt when I left and it took a lot for you to trust me again, but I won't ever leave you like that again I promise!
CALEB: I know!
SAPPHIRA: Oh and Libby says thanks, she'll be moving back in with her friends but she appreciates everything you did for her. And she told me to say she'll never forget the tent? She said you'd know what she meant!

Caleb was relieved that things were sorted now, but he was missing Libby! He knew that once her friends went back to normal she would go back, but he didn't expect it to hit him so hard!

Later on that night he was going to become a young adult, he wondered what that might bring...

He thought about being equal to his brothers, finally!

He made a wish, one he hoped would come true!

He blew out his candles...

Caleb: Um, this is not supposed to happen is it?

...and set fire to the kitchen!!!

Despite being dressed in her costume still, Phryne's attempt at putting out the fire was rather lame, a party blowout was not appropriate!

Miles and Quinn fought the fire until the real firefighter arrived to help!

Not taking any chances with a second cake, Caleb aged up all on his own!

And the obligatory shy trait was added to his personality!!!

Now he was an adult, the sky was the limit for young Caleb! His brother must have read his mind as he asked him...

 MILES: So little brother, what do you wanna do now?

Caleb  knew the answer to that and borrowed his dad's car keys!

 He had waited for this day for a long time. Now he was old enough to be with Libby, he wasn't going to waste any more time!

 When he arrived at Libby's house, she was just leaving. He smiled at her and was about to get out to greet her, but she didn't recognise him! Why would she? He was all grown up now!

 When Caleb finally caught up with her at the beach, she was staring out to the sea.

CALEB: Hello Libby!

Libby did not turn round, she knew the voice but it sounded far deeper than she remembered!

 When she did finally turn to see who was calling her, she gasped with surprise!

LIBBY: CALEB??? Ohmigosh! You're so...handsome!
CALEB: Wasn't I always?

 Before she could answer, Caleb took hold of her and kissed her as hard as he could without hurting her. He'd waited for this moment, for it to be morally alright for him to be with her.

 Like she did when he was a teenager, she allowed his kiss. But this time she kissed him back...

 LIBBY: Come 'ere big boy!

 CALEB: Wow!
LIBBY: You've got itty bitty fangs!
CALEB: I didn't hurt you did I???
LIBBY: Nope!

 LIBBY: They're positively adorable!
CALEB: Libs?
LIBBY: Yes Caleb?

 CALEB: I don't ever want us to be apart ever again! When you came to stay? Best time of my life! When you left? The total worst!
LIBBY: What are you saying?

 LIBBY: *giggle* You have to stop doing that!

 LIBBY: Because I can't breathe, you have to give me warning!
CALEB: Oh, okay! Take a breath!

 CALEB: Okay, so while you get your breath back...I have to ask you something before I just die!
LIBBY: Aww Caleb don't be so dramatic!

 CALEB: Will you be my girlfriend?
LIBBY: Sure why not?
CALEB: So we're an item?
LIBBY: Yes, we're an item! We're exclusive!

 CALEB: Cool! Gotta run!

 LIBBY: Where are you going?
CALEB: I have to get home to clean the floor! My cake went on fire and I nearly died, no biggy! I love you!

 LIBBY: Died??? WAIT! Did he just say he...he l-loved me???


LIBBY: *faints* WOWZA!

 Lillith Von Strunkle sat in the mausoleum with her ancestors thinking about the future, and the past. Life was a funny thing, hers was going to last a bit longer than her family lying here under the earth. She was happy that her children were growing up well, except for Luna who was constantly being brought home by the police!!! All in all though, life was good. Soon Lillith would be passing the baton to one of her babies, and that was fine by her!

LIL: Those girls!

Yes her girls were what she'd yearned for but turned out to be more trouble than their brothers. Lillith was unsure how she was going to deal with them, especially now they were noticing men, not boys, but men! She had her work cut out for her that was for sure!

Coming Soon, Luna & Kylie's special!

Thank you for reading! xLJx

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