Wednesday 5 February 2014

The Shylife Special! Saul: Growing Pains!

Welcome to Saul's special tale of woe. Before his brothers aged up, before his oldest brother left for university, Saul suffered a heartbreak like no other...he lost his beautiful girlfriend Sapphira! She disappeared without even a goodbye! Now his brother has returned with a shiny degree and a hot girlfriend of his own, will Saul ever feel happy again without his beloved Sapphy?

Saul Von Strunkle had missed his older brother Elliot while he'd been away at university. But now that he was back, he was looking forward to catching up since Elliot never said goodbye to him before he left. But when Saul raced down the stairs to greet him, he was disappointed to discover that he was not alone...

...Elliot had a girlfriend!

ELLIOT: Mum? Dad? This is Phryne!
PHRYNE: Oh I'm so nervous, it's nice to meet you both!
LIL: Likewise, if not a total surprise that my Elliot had fallen in love!

Phryne Wells was her name, and Saul's parents were actually quite pleased to get to know her. His mother, who had sent numerous spies to the university to check up on Elliot, was very taken with her! Everyone thought that she would be upset that her first born had a girlfriend, but she took it in her stride!

Saul was jealous, he couldn't deny it! He missed Sapphira so much and all the time Elliot had been away he barely went out. He would go to school but that was just about it. Having to watch Elliot and Phryne fawn all over each other was making him feel even worse!

Elliot had asked Saul to come up and visit him in his room for a catch-up!

ELLIOT: How are you holding up bro?
SAUL: Oh you know!
ELLIOT: She'll come back you know!
SAUL: I doubt that very much!

ELLIOT: Have a little faith, I hope you and mum are okay with each other?
SAUL: She won't tell me where Sapphy is, so no we're not okay Elliot!

ELLIOT: Don't be too hard on her eh? She grew up with grandpa Jared constantly wrapping her in bubble wrap so nobody would touch her! She does the same to us, did you know she had a paparazzi chasing me at uni?
SAUL: No that's intense!
ELLIOT: Yeah, luckily she saw the light and sacked him but still! She loves us all just a little too much, grandpa Jared drowned all of his kids in love, mum takes after her father!

SAUL: Sapphy is gone! How can I just forget the part mum played in that?
ELLIOT: What part is that exactly?
SAUL: I don't know but she did something to make her go away!
ELLIOT: No she didn't, she just gave Sapphira the choice...and she made her choice Sauly! Accept it eh?

Saul knew his brother was right, but he still couldn't speak to Lillith after she had hidden Sapphy's departure from him meaning he couldn't stop her from going!

After having a good old chat with Elliot, Saul spotted his other siblings out in the garden. Miles had tried to bring Saul out of his room on several occasions but was not successful, Saul resented him for it, he felt that Miles should just leave him be!

Trying to sneak past him and go for a night time walk was impossible as he jumped up and shouted his name!

MILES: SAULY! Check out my fangs growin' in huh?
SAUL: Where?

MILES: Heeeeere! Behold the sharpness of my canines!
SAUL: Unimpressive little brother!

MILES: Oh yeah?
SAUL: Yeah!
MILES: And I suppose you have bigger ones then?
SAUL: Let me introduce you to...

SAUL: ...the fangmeisters of DEATH muahahahahaha!
MILES: Pft, please! They're the same size as mine!

SAUL: Yeah well mine are less annoying than yours!
MILES: How can fangs be annoying?
SAUL: Depends on the owner!
MILES: Oh yeah? Well...
LUNA: Boys! Stop it!

MILES/SAUL: Sorry Luna!
LUNA: That's better, bickering scares me you know that!

Phryne and Elliot were madly in love! They were constantly showing how much to all and sundry around the house!

Saul found it extremely difficult to watch! Many girls had asked him to the prom but he had decided he wasn't going! Why should he attend an event like that with a girl he didn't even like? And Sapphira was still out there somewhere!

  Saul preferred his own company, but usually when he wanted some alone time Miles would disturb him and try to be his best buddy! It annoyed him greatly!

MILES: Hey there ginger nut!

If only he realised that Miles was trying to cheer him up, he worried that Saul would do something stupid! He wanted to make sure that his brother knew he wasn't alone, that he had his family!

SAUL: You again!
MILES: Yep tis meeee!
SAUL: I'm trying to be alone here Miles!
MILES: Well let me keep you company!

SAUL: Er, you do know the definition of ALONE right?

MILES: Sure I do, but I don't want you to be alone Sauly!
SAUL: Well that's tough because I want to be alone and I don't really get what I want as a rule so I'm sure as heck gunna get that at least! Understand? I'm outta here!
MILES: Don't do anything stupid Sauly, I care about you! You do know that right?
SAUL: Are you ever going to stop being annoying?
MILES: If your definition of annoying is the same as my definition of caring...then no!

The tension between Miles and Saul was evident to all their other siblings, except perhaps for young Caleb who tried to occupy his time in the playground pretending to be Johnny Depp!

CALEB: This here is my ship and I shall sail the seven seas with dreadlocks and gold teeth!

Their sisters on the other hand, were more than aware of the feud that was about to rear it's ugly head!

LUNA: If Miles doesn't leave Sauly alone, there's going to be a battle!
KYLIE: He just wants to look out for him!
LUNA: It's not his job Kyles! Sauly is bigger and older than him! He doesn't need it!
KYLIE: Miles can't stop feeling for him, it's in his nature! Come on, we're going to be late for Elliot's graduation!

All the family attended Elliot's graduation, he was finally getting his official certificate. Soon he would be able to start work! Miles was never too far away from Saul, making sure he was okay!

Elliot was over the moon to finally have his diploma in his hand! He got a job as an art critic soon after that!

Everyone was so proud of him, the first Von Strunkle to get a degree! Elliot wandered around the house in his robes for a few hours, just to savour the moment!

While Saul was getting more and more depressed. He saw how Phryne watched Elliot with pride and it made his heart ache knowing Sapphira wouldn't be there to see him collect his diploma! That was if he ever went to university like he'd planned before she disappeared!

Saul headed off to bed to mope while Caleb and Luna did their homework for the next day. But after going outside to play in their formal wear...

Luna had an encounter with Kitty and they both fainted! Both being cowards of course!

Caleb didn't seem all that bothered about his little sister and headed off to play games on the telly!

Luna finally awoke from her daze and ranted at the record player for waking her up! I'd have thought she would have wanted to be woken up!

Saul began banging on the ceiling to shut her and the record player up, but that only made her more angry!


After a few exchanges between Luna and Saul through the living room ceiling, she eventually joined the rest of the family at the pool! They were having a little party to celebrate Elliot's new job and his graduation!

It was just as well that Saul wasn't there, he was hydrophobic and probably wouldn't have enjoyed himself. Elliot tried to pull Phryne into the water by shaking her lilo about. She pretended to laugh it off...

...even smile and look calm...

...but inside she was trembling. She loved water, she loved pools...

...she just couldn't swim!!!

Excusing herself from the party, she hid in among the chairs at the wedding arch and brought out some magic kelp that her friend had given her during her first year at university. She was studying science and always said that the kelp had properties that allowed a person to be the best swimmer in the world! She so wanted to impress Elliot... she ate it!

She suddenly felt a tingling on her tongue and all the way to the back of her throat and down her body...

...suddenly she was floating in the air!

Something MAGIC was indeed happening!!!

Phryne woke up a few hours later on the grass with scales all down her legs! She knew this wasn't natural, especially from some kelp! So she headed into the hot tub to hide and think!

What was happening? Where did those scales come from? What exactly did her friend put in that kelp??? All of those questions were buzzing around her head when she heard Elliot's voice and his familiar laugh!

ELLIOT: Phryne are you okay?
PHRYNE: Yes, why?
ELLIOT: Well you went off last night and...I'm sorry if I scared you, I didn't know you couldn't swim!
PHRYNE: It's alright Elliot, I can learn!

ELLIOT: I have to go to work soon!
PHRYNE: I know! I have a painting to work on too!
ELLIOT: I love you!
PHRYNE: Ditto!

As Elliot planted a kiss on her cheek and headed for work, Phryne took a look at her legs while everyone was out or eating breakfast. She liked the colour but...this wasn't normal! And why did she have a huge craving for salt all of a sudden???

Caleb had been invited round to a friend's house after school, but he was shocked to see his brother leaving with a huge grin on his face!

SAUL: Hey there baby brother!
CALEB: Um, do you happen to have a sister?
GIRL: Yes why?
CALEB: *groan* No reason!

Caleb had spotted Saul flirting with a girl at the bus stop that morning and he instantly knew that the girl was the sister of his own friend. Saul had forgotten Sapphira? Surely not!

Back home, Kylie had told the entire family about Saul's flirtations and they were all rather alarmed! Saul was not amused by his sister's big mouth!

Miles tried to be friendly, and asked him all about it.

MILES: Hey Sauly, who was that girl you...
SAUL: Get lost!
MILES: Right!

Miles tried his irresistible charm on his big brother's girlfriend but it didn't appear to be working!

MILES: Well it works on the girls in school!
PHRYNE: Sorry kid, you're no match for your brother! I have to go!

Phryne left the house rather abruptly, and found herself at the water's edge by the pier! Her phone was ringing non stop, it was Elliot! He was concerned about her sudden disappearance! But she declined to answer it, there was a far greater and louder call for her...

...and as soon as she hit the water, her legs transformed into a beautiful mermaid's tail!!!

The salt water felt so good that she swam and swam...

...all the way out to sea! She had never swam before and it felt amazing!!!

PHRYNE: So...this is what's so magical about that kelp eh?

She wasn't sure how she was going to break it to Elliot that she was now a mermaid, but with him being a vampire she was sure he would understand!

She took a moment to admire the beautiful town that was Roaring Heights and smiled. She had been so lucky to find Elliot! No matter what, she knew that he would love her forever, and she would love him too!

Just thinking about him made her want to go home, now that the salt craving had faded, she swam back to shore gliding along and flicking her tail happily in and out of the water!

These purple and blue scales were kinda cool!

Now all she had to do was explain things to Elliot!

The next morning, Saul got up to see Domino in the garden and his family nowhere to be seen! Until he heard the laughing and splashing in the distance!

They seemed to spend a heck of a lot of time at that pool these days, somewhere Saul couldn't go anywhere near! So he sat at the sandpit and thought about the girl he had flirted and used the day before. He only wanted to feel close to someone, and she was there at the time...

...but she wasn't Sapphira! She was gone, she wasn't coming back! Prom had since passed and he was regretting not going, if only to have a little human contact with a pretty girl to forget his heartache!

But he was angry, angry for being left behind and forgotten! So he was going to channel that anger, he was going to do what he wanted and damn the consequences!

Phryne and Quinn were the only ones left in the house as the kids had gone to school and Elliot was at work like his mother. Phryne worked on her painting, she was an artist and sold her paintings for a lot of money as she slowly climbed up the career ladder.

Saul had invited great aunt Elaina home from school. He thought that she might like to sit up in his room and listen to music or...perhaps even have a cuddle...she was a distant relative after all! Elaina was unaware of her grand nephew's intentions and sat down to do homework with him, never in her wildest dreams did she ever think that he would fancy her!!!

Caleb knew exactly what Saul was up to and felt it was his duty to inform great aunt Elaina about it...

LUNA: What's up auntie Laina?
ELAINA: Your brother is a very dirty little boy!
LUNA: Which one?
LUNA: Ohhhh right!

SAUL: Fancy going upstairs?
ELAINA: Oh my gawd it's true!!!
SAUL: What is?

ELAINA: Check yourself Saul! You're a sick little puppy!!!

Kylie was sad, she didn't like what was becoming of Saul! So she headed to the graveyard to think about things other than her brother's demise!

But Luna and Caleb were never really that far behind her, the youngest ones were always close!

KYLIE: I might have known you'd follow me here!

CALEB: We were worried about you!

CALEB: It's okay Loon! We still have an hour until curfew!

The kids did eventually arrive back home just in time for curfew. The next morning, Kylie wanted to catch a few bugs as Saul and Miles were bickering again!

But as she giggled and chased the butterflies, she could still hear her brothers' raised voices and it upset her!

Saul was changing! He had gone from being happy and fun when he was with Sapphira to sullen and moody when she left! But now he was just downright nasty and unpleasant, flirting with anything in a skirt!

As the shouting continued and the school bus arrived, Kylie scooped up a little ladybug and cupped her hands lovingly around it!

In the corner of her eye, she could see that Saul and Miles were shoving each other down the path towards the bus and and calling each other names!

Kylie hated it when there was tension in the house, and she knew it upset her twin even more. Naming her ladybug Sapphy in honour of the girl who looked after her as a toddler, she headed off for school herself!

That evening, after dinner and homework, the family headed to the pool once again! Phryne was waiting for the right moment to tell Elliot about her new addition as she watched him diving into the water gracefully. But unfortunately the urge to get her fins wet was far too much to resist...

As she dove into the pool her legs once again changed and her tail unfurled as it hit the water, much to the shock of a nearby reporter!!! Poor Caleb had no idea what was going on!

CALEB: Um Phryne? Have you got a...a fish tail???
PHRYNE: Caley I can explain!
CALEB: Oh no you really don't it's...well it's cool!

Phryne swam over to her boyfriend ready to explain everything as he could hardly believe his eyes...

PHRYNE: Elliot?

Elliot floated in the water, just staring in disbelief as Saul watched from the upstairs window wondering how his brother was going to deal with this news!

Saul could see Phryne's little heart break as Elliot spun around and leapt out of the pool without a word!

She followed him out in a panicked state and shouted him desperately...

PHRYNE: Elliot please! I can explain everything, please tell me you're not mad?

Saul could have cheered when he saw his big brother take hold of Phryne and kiss her on the lips! She could hardly believe it, she was expecting him to throw her out!

PHRYNE: Elliot?
ELLIOT: Okay gorgeous what the heck have you done???
PHRYNE: I ate magic kelp and...
ELLIOT: turned you into a mermaid? You silly girl!!!
PHRYNE: I'm sorry!

ELLIOT: Well you leave me no choice!
PHRYNE: Elliot? Please don't dump me?

Phryne's heart was doing somersaults in her chest as Elliot produced a small box from nowhere!

ELLIOT: Phryne Wells, fishy mermaid girl, will you marry me? Can you be the wife of a pasty vampire boy?

PHRYNE: YES! Yes Elliot I can so be your wife!

Elliot placed the ring on her finger as Saul's heart swelled with pride. His big brother was getting married!!!

PHRYNE: I thought you were going to throw me out and hate me!
ELLIOT: Oh Phryne, Phryne, Phryne!!!

ELLIOT: I'm so happy when I'm around you, mermaid tail or not, I could never be parted from you...not EVER!!!

Saul had dreamed of such a scenario with Sapphira! Sadly that was not to be, and it was about time he stopped thinking of her...she had broken his heart and as far as he was concerned she could rot!!!

As the kids headed out for school, Elliot surprised Phryne, Lillith and Quinn with a free trip for a few days. This left Saul in charge...

...which was a bad move! He invited a couple of girls over...

...and his teenage body got high on plasma juice!

The two girls from school arrived, one of them being Amaryllis Von Strunkle, Tristan and Wyman's adopted daughter!!!

Since she had grown into such a beautiful teen, Saul was determined to smooch her! After all they weren't blood cousins so she was fair game!

Miles arrived home after his drama class and was not impressed! As he watched his cousin and brother holding hands and flirting, he felt sick and he felt angry too!

MILES: Ugh, you guys ought to know better!
AMARYLLIS: What's up with him???
SAUL: He's just a bore, ignore him and gimme a hug!

Amaryllis was a bit of a wild child and her brother Rocco was often trying to keep her out of trouble. If he found out she was here, getting flirty with their cousin, he would kill Saul with his bare hands!!!

Saul found Amaryllis so pretty, he couldn't resist her!

And he missed Sapphira, he missed her touch and her lips! He wanted to forget it, but it just made him more angry!

Amaryllis had to go home before Rocco came looking for her, and Saul had other plans anyway. As pretty and as good a kisser she was, he got bored of the same girl!

As soon as she left, he moved onto girl number two!!!

What was he doing? This wasn't him!!!

He'd been a good boy, and where did that get him? Nowhere! So he was going to be bad for a change! See how they liked it! Girls, they were all a bunch of teasers!!!

Miles appeared from the garden only to find his brother in the arms of ANOTHER girl, first his cousin, now this one!

MILES: Sorry to interrupt but mum, dad, Elliot and Phryne are due back in two hours!

Saul quickly shooed away the girl, he didn't even know her name, before the adults arrived back home. Sitting nonchalantly reading a book, his heart was pounding inside his chest!

Luna and Kylie had informed their mother of Saul's naughty behaviour and she was furious with her second born son, who was usually so sensible!

LIL: Oh you're grounded mister!!!

All Saul wanted to do was run away! He hated his family, he hated everyone and everything!!! Especially Sapphira Maplehorne! Horribe horrible girl who made him feel this way! He would never forgive her for making him THIS! NEVER!!!

The next day after school, Saul was angry at Miles! He believed it was him who told their mother about his small gathering while they were away.

As Miles did his homework quietly, he could feel Saul giving him dirty looks. This wasn't unusual but it made him feel uneasy, especially when Luna got upset and their father started to ask questions...

QUINN: What's going on boys? You're upsetting your sister!
MILES: Nothing!
SAUL: Oh yeah, nothing!

QUINN: Okay what is with the attitude? Huh? And why do you INSIST on picking on Miles???
SAUL: Picking on him??? He was the one who tattled to mum about the girls and...
QUINN: He did NOT!!!
SAUL What?

QUINN: It was your sisters, they were very upset and frightened by your out of character behaviour, they called us back from our trip!
MILES: See Sauly? I'm not the devil you make me out to be!

SAUL: Ohhhh goody two shoes Miles! Always the golden boy, never does anything wrong!
MILES: Why are you being so mean? All I ever do is look out for you!

SAUL: Oooooh ickle irresistible Miles! Big soft jerk face!
MILES: Okay Saul that's enough okay? Luna doesn't need to hear this!
SAUL: Like you care!

MILES: I do, which is more than I can say for you! Bringing Amaryllis over here and trying to get off with her!
SAUL: I didn't try...I succeeded!
MILES: Oh god Saul she's our COUSIN!!!
SAUL: I'm not even listening to your big girly voice any more!

MILES: You committed incest!
MILES: You snogged our cousin!
SAUL: She is not our cousin Miles she's adopted! Uncle Trist is GAY? He can't have children ergo no blood relation!

MILES: You insensitive creep Saul! Not only are you an incestusous pig, you're a homophobic pig as well!
MILES: You've just hated on Uncle Tristan and Uncle Wyman!
SAUL: Take that back, they're my uncles and I love them!
MILES: You took advantage of their daughter Saul!!! No wonder Sapphira left you, you're sick in the head!!!

Saul saw red and lunged at his brother...

...they threw punches and kicks at each other but in the end there was only one victor...

...and despite his bulk, Miles was bested by his older brother!

SAUL: Let me make one thing clear, Sapphy loved me!
MILES: Oh yeah and you loved her right? That's why you cheated on her with THREE separate girls!!!
SAUL: And another thing, if Amaryllis was our cousin by blood I would NEVER touch her! 

MILES: You should have respect for our uncles and not go there AT ALL regardless of whether she is blood related or not!
SAUL: Are you jealous Miles? Do you want Amaryllis for yourself, is that it?
MILES: No...
SAUL: Do you dream of kissing her perfect, soft lips and caressing her slim, yet curvy body??? Huh?

MILES: Ohhhh that's it! You and me? We are soooo over! I no longer look at you as my kin, my brother! I now look at you as the ENEMY! I will NEVER speak to you EVER again!

MILES: You have no idea what you've done, but when you will be a very sorry young man Saul Von Strunkle! Very sorry indeed, when Sapphira...

MILES: You're not worth the effort, you don't deserve what you have! You don't even know it yet, but you don't deserve it!!! You will never know how much I loved you, you were my favourite brother, I looked up to you and I respected you! That's a lot of years of my life I'll never get back!!! You're getting no more! Stay the hell away from me!!!

SAUL: With pleasure!

As Miles stomped off to his room, Kylie wanted to cry! She was once again witness to the ugliness of their feud, and she hated it!

Saul suddenly felt a pang of guilt, what had he done???

Saturday came by and although Saul was grounded, he was allowed to play online games. He found himself playing against someone who went by the name of WiccaHorne, and as he spoke with her she seemed so familiar.

SAUL So where are you from?
WICCAHORNE: Oh all over really!

SAUL: You do realise I'm going to kick your butt right? Even though you're a girl?
WICCAHORNE: Oh yes, I wouldn't expect anything less!

SAUL: Now don't hold back, if you really are the mean gamer your profile says you are, then gimme a fight okay? I like a challenge!
WICCAHORNE: I know you do, and I like to challenge you Saul!

SAUL: How do you...know my name? Hey, do I know you? Your voice sounds familiar!
WICCAHORNE: We went to school together, remember?
SAUL: Babe, I went to school with a lot of girls, you can't expect me to remember one girl!
WICCAHORNE: I'd expect you to remember me Saul, after all, you did take me in and share your home with me!

SAPPHIRA: Saul you knew it was me, surely?
SAUL: ...
SAPPHIRA: The name? WiccaHORNE?
SAUL: ...
SAPPHIRA: Saul? Saul?

Oh how the roles were reversed! Sapphira doing all the talking as Saul sat silent. He couldn't help shutting her off, it was a shock, he didn't expect to hear from her again! And now he felt worse! Much much worse!

SAUL: Why would she do that???

He couldn't understand why she had contacted him in that way! And why now???

Caleb had been doing his homework at the table and heard the whole thing. So Sapphira had got back in touch? He remembered when he was a toddler, sitting at her feet while she played against Saul on the games console! He missed her, her disappearance hurt him too!

He would try to forget...

...let the cool water wash away his sadness...

...but secretly he hoped Sapphira would return!

Miles and Saul may not have been speaking, they may have declared one another a nemesis, but it didn't stop them from pulling pranks on each other!!!

Saul's afternoon shower was about to get nasty!

SAUL: Get out you pervert!

MILES: Enjoy your shower! *smirk*
SAUL: What's that supposed to mean, huh?
MILES: Nothing!

Saul wanted to wash Sapphira away once and for all! She left and broke his heart, and now she expected him to be all friendly? No way!

As he stepped out of the shower, a trickle of yellow trailed down his face as he touched his hair and realised...

...Miles had tampered with the shower!!!

Of course he had to get his own back, knowing that after a few laps of the pool, Miles always needed to go to the toilet... he would get a little shock of his own!

As he giggled devilishly, in the back of his mind, he really was sorry that it had all come to this! He hoped that one day they could act like adults and bury the hatchet!

But for now...

Miles was rather pleased with himself, Saul's ginger locks dyed yellow! What a hoot! Just as he let out a little chuckle...



MILES: What the heck are we doing???

Miles was sad, he'd loved Saul so much! Why was this happening?

Lillith was sick and tired of watching her boys tear each other apart!

SAUL: So, what's up mum?
LIL: Sauly, when you age up? You have to leave!

SAUL: WHAT? But...mum?
LIL: Miles is too young, but you're almost a young adult. Sauly I can't watch this any more! You and Miles, you're brothers and you are destroying each other!
SAUL: I'll stop, just...please mum don't abandon me like Sapphy did!

LIL: Sauly Sapphy is coming back to you! She always was!
SAUL: Why didn't you say! You didn't even tell me she'd gone!
LIL: You didn't give me a chance, you attacked me, you didn't want to hear my reasons!
SAUL: And I would have stopped her from doing what she had to do, right?

LIL: Yes! She had to go! Your futures depended on it! When she comes back you will understand I promise you!
SAUL: I still love her mum!

LIL: And she still loves you honey!
SAUL: When will she be back?
LIL: I don't know, but she will be back I know it!
SAUL: How can you be so sure?
LIL: Because she is family!

SAUL: I'll leave Miles alone!
LIL: That's all I ask honey!

The time had come for Saul to become a man!

He was quite looking forward to it!

As his family cheered him on and his dad laughed as usual, he wondered what was going to happen in this new chapter of his life.

Eager to get going, he hastily blew out his candles as Miles walked by to the pool, not wanting to acknowledge his brother's birthday. He knew he deserved his disdain!

But hopefully when he was a grown man, he could make amends with Miles!

He had one good thing on his side, he was now shy, maybe that would stop him from chasing the ladies...or maybe not!

 His sisters were unsure of what kind of man he was going to be. But one thing was for sure, he was a very handsome young man indeed!!!

 Almost thinking of going back to his uncaring, unfeeling ways Saul couldn't wait to reap the benefits of young adulthood when the doorbell rang downstairs...


...and with a grunt and a growl, Saul dragged himself downstairs...

 ...and the sight that stood before him made his heart almost stop!

SAUL: Sapphy???
SAPPHIRA: Hello Saul!

 Saul could not believe his eyes as his heart began to pound and swell over seeing Sapphira again. But that wasn't all that was causing his heart to pound, something else caught his eye and he could not stop looking...

...a little girl stood with shaky little legs behind Sapphira sucking her thumb. Her bright eyes shone as the sun began to rise. She was beautiful, and those eyes seemed ever so familiar to Saul. He soon found out why that was as Sapphira spoke once again...

SAPPHIRA: Look Phoebe! Just like I promised you honey...

SAPPHIRA:'s time to meet your daddy!!!

To Be Continued...

Shocked? Hmm? Or did you see it coming? I did leave a LOT of clues in part 7 but...well next time it's Miles' turn, as he watches his older brother come to terms with being a dad and so much more! Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness !!!!!!
    Sapphira was pregnant when she left? Oh my, oh my, oh my. And phoebe is a cutie.
    And you said you dropped a lt of hints in ch.7. Which one do you mean? I can't undrestand.
    And the usual question. When the next chapter will be up?
    Totally shocked :-)


Feel free to comment, but be nice! I share my thoughts and my stories with you because I want to, not to be insulted! Have a nice day! :)