Sunday 10 June 2012

The Shylife Special: Catch A Falling Star, Jared & Aleisha

The third of my specials. This time, Jared learns a few valuable lessons! And gains a new friend...

ALEISHA: So tell me, when did you realise that you loved me?
JARED: Let me see! It was a Tuesday, you were sitting on a swing looking sad and I...
ALEISHA: Noooo silly! Jared! That's the day we met!
JARED: I know Aleisha! It's also the day I fell helplessly in love with a purple haired goddess with tear stains down her cheeks!
ALEISHA: Really?
JARED: Really really! I've never been in so much trouble since I met you, it's been the best time of my life!

 Jared Von Strunkle had been a sweet child, he grew into a quiet yet happy teen. Not a care in the world...

 ...his "turn into toy form" trick he inherited from his great grandfather didn't seem to bother him that much and he loved nothing more than to strut around the garden wearing felt!

 Even his sister Darcy was tolerable in his eyes, and he even managed to get her smiling at times too!

 Jared's life was pretty sweet. He was well liked in school by teachers and fellow pupils, his older brother Mason had a lot of time for him as did Darcy surprisingly, his mother often sheltered him from the world while his father tried to give him more freedom to become a young man...

 ...and then there was this little darling! Sienna worshipped her brother. Jared was the best thing since sliced bread to her! So when his parents and grandparents had gone on a free vacation he was only too happy to be in charge of Sienna's routine!

 Before school, Jared always made sure she was well fed...

 ...well snuggled...

 ...and well played with! 

 He would pop her in her swing and turn on the soothing music she loved so much just in time for the babysitter to arrive. Then it was off to the land of learning for Jared!

 Another big thing for Jared was exercise. He liked to keep trim and fit like his dad, he'd seen his grandparents over-indulge one too many times!

 As the adults were still away when Sienna's birthday arrived, Jared took her to her cake and said goodbye to the baby his sister had been...

 ...but even as a child, she followed him around like he was the pied piper!

 Jared had always prided himself on being calm, cool, collected...but when he invited his friend Carter over one night and Darcy turned his head, Jared got mad...and stormed out of the house!

 What had come over him??? He never got mad! But lately he felt that everything was slipping away from him, Sienna didn't need him as much as she once did, Carter had fallen for Darcy, and Mason was loved up with Annalisa! As he sat sulking at the park, a young girl sitting on a swing caught his eye...

 ...she looked so unhappy! Just as unhappy as him if not more! She was all decked in purple, even her hair, her purple glasses had specks on them from where her tears had dropped down her cheeks...

 ...he was mesmerised by her! He'd never really paid much attention to girls, he'd been quite content with his family and friends...but she was beautiful, even with the tears rolling down her face! She spotted him and suddenly shot up from the swing, as she came towards him to cross the little bridge he instinctively shot up to let her past... awkward, silent moment passed between them as she stopped at the bridge, all he could do was look down at the ground... he went to leave, she spoke...

ALEISHA: You're Jared right?

Jared was lost for words, how did she know his name???

 JARED: Yes, Jared Von Strunkle. Do you go to school here?
ALEISHA: I...not really!
JARED: Then how do you know me?
ALEISHA: saw you at the play your brother was in?
JARED: Why are you so sad?
ALEISHA: I'm just...homesick!

 JARED: Oh, you just moved here then?
ALEISHA: Not exactly, my parents sent me here with...I'm from Twinbrook and...I'm stuck with my manager in this town to try and get gigs. I...I sing!
JARED: Oh cool, that's what I wanna do when I graduate, become a singer!
ALEISHA: Well I don't, but my parents auditioned me for The Sim Factor, I came fifth but Kes, my manager, he took me on and...I just wanna go home!

 JARED: But surely this is a great opportunity for you?
ALEISHA: It's...not...oh you don't wanna hear all about me!
JARED: I do, I wouldn't be here if I didn't!

 ALEISHA: I'm stuck in a situation I don't know how to get out of!
JARED: I don't get it, what?
ALEISHA: It's not what I expected, and I haven't heard from my mother or father in months!
JARED: I'm lost!

 ALEISHA: I'm late, and I've said too much! I have to go!

As the girl walked away, Jared realised he didn't know her name...

JARED: Wait? What's your name?
ALEISHA: Aleisha, Aleisha Danes! 

 When Jared returned home, he found his parents in the living room, just back from their trip and ready to celebrate his mum's birthday the following day!

 As his mother, Tia became a gorgeous adult, the family ate cake and got caught up on each other's news. Jared was confused by meeting Aleisha...

 ...who appeared outside his door that night!

 JARED: How did you know where I live?
ALEISHA: You're a Von Strunkle Jared! It's kind of a given? I just wanted to say I was sorry about the other night and just forget everything I said okay?
JARED: WHAT? And how am I supposed to do that?
ALEISHA: Kes Green is a dangerous man, just forget about me okay? I have to go...

 Jared was even more confused, this girl who he knew he was falling for kept giving him headaches! Why did she want him to forget about her? How could she even expect him to?

 JARED: Yeah like that's gunna happen any time soon!

Jared made a vow there and then...

JARED: I'm going to save you Aleisha, whatever it is...I'll save you!

The party was still in full swing and his mum and dad thought it would be a good idea to embarrass their children with some dance moves!

 TIA: Who was that girl with Jared?
CODY: He's an attractive boy T, probably one of many admirers if he's anything like his ol' dad!
TIA: You never change Codes! And I love you!

 Jared hadn't seen Aleisha for days, his mood was turning sour and he was even arguing with the cute little pixie girl Mason was dating!

DARCY: HA! So it isn't just me then!

 He had to get away and found himself in a seedy little diner that was always empty. He needed to think and be on his own for a while...but that wasn't going to happen!

 His parents noticed a change in their happy-go-lucky son. Especially Cody, who was rather fond of the boy as he reminded him so much of himself when he was that age...

CODY: T? Something's going on with our Jared!
TIA: He's a teenage boy, he's got...issues! It happens to everyone at some point!

 CODY: No baby, I'm really worried! Our boy is just...not right! A father knows these things!

 TIA: *sigh* I guess he's a little off. Maybe you should talk to him and have a man to man chat?

 This girl in purple was haunting him! After not seeing her for days she just happened to be in the same dive as he was at that moment in time...

 ...and she was crying again! Before he knew what he was doing he was calling her name, she shot up and walked over to him...

 ALEISHA: Are you following me?
JARED: I could ask you the same thing!

 ALEISHA: I'm sorry about giving you drama and then leaving you wondering! I just don't want to see you get hurt, I like you and...
JARED: Leesh? I'm a big boy I can take it, if you need to talk...I wanna be there!

 ALEISHA: Jared, I was tricked! My parents were tricked...Kes is...a con man!
JARED: Then tell your parents and get away!

 ALEISHA: I can't! He's such a good liar! But the money he asked my father for is gone! He phones them once a week and tells them about gigs I've done, I haven't done ONE since we got here four months ago! He approached us at the end of the show when I got voted off, he was so plausible. He knew all the right things to say, he made it sound like he was this high flying music manager...but as soon as we got here...I knew it was all a lie!

 JARED: Come home with me NOW! My granddad is high up in law enforcement, he can help!
ALEISHA: Oh you're so sweet!

Aleisha sighed as the tears continued to roll down her cheeks, she swiftly pulled him towards her into a hug...

 ALEISHA: I'll never forget what you were prepared to do for me! I have to go!

And once again she rushed off...

 ...leaving Jared even more frustrated knowing the truth, and that he couldn't help her! But he remembered his save her no matter what! And he was going to do it!

 He got home late, well after curfew! His rebellious trait kicking in as he walked straight past his father and grandmother, ignoring Cody's angry voice! But rather than go upstairs to bed, Jared walked straight through to the back door and out again, his dad calling after him furiously...

LACEY: Cody leave him be, he's not normally like this, cut him some slack!
CODY: He's home late, he's off again! Mum anything could happen to him...he's lucky I don't call the police!!! What's going on with my boy???

 As Jared sat in a park on the other side of town, he noticed a girl in purple in the upstairs room of the house across the street. Aleisha lived here!

 He'd seen his grandfather go through the garbage cans of criminals, maybe he could find something to get Aleisha away from this Kes guy...

 ...and he did, many many gambling slips! All lost, so that was where Aleisha's parents' money had gone!

 Jared tried to clear his mind, but no matter what he did Aleisha clouded his thoughts!

 He had this evidence to prove to Aleisha's father that Kes was a fraud with a gambling addiction. He just wasn't sure how to go about it. He was sick of his family giving him the "nice boys don't behave like this Jared!" lecture! They had no idea what he was going through!!!

 His dad caught him at last but he didn't seem mad, he seemed...tired of all this drama!

CODY: Jared, son! What's going on???
JARED: I'm just stressed about school and exams and stuff, I promise I'll try and be better dad!
CODY: Look son, you know you can always talk to me day or night...I'm here for you! I'm your father and I love you!
JARED: I know that, there's just some stuff going on in my's...complicated!

 Although his dad's assurance that he was there for him did make him feel better, Jared really needed some time with someone who could make him feel normal...feel like a superhero...

 SIENNA: Push me Jared! Push me really high!!!

 As his little sister giggled excitedly, he felt a little envious of her! He remembered when he was a child and all he worried about was homework and getting to bed at a decent time! Sienna thought the world of him, she thought he could do anything! So why couldn't he help Aleisha???

 With the kids growing up, Cody returned to major venues and wowed the crowds...

 ...Cool Hand Cody was back!

 Jared had sat at the park waiting to see if Aleisha would show up, and she did...eventually!


She was crying once again and when he went to hold her she winced, rubbing her arms gingerly...

 JARED: If he's hurt you I'll...
ALEISHA: He didn't...he just shook me by the arms when he got mad!
JARED: I know how to get you out of this, I have evidence and I'll get you away from him I promise! Come with me and stay at my house, I'll protect you!

 ALEISHA: You can't protect me all of the time!
JARED: Maybe not, but I'd like to at least try!

Aleisha smiled and took hold of his hands...

 ALEISHA: Jared, you're a pretty amazing person you know that?
JARED: Not as amazing as you, I know he's a gambler and I can prove it!

She pulled him towards her once again and his heart fluttered as he sucked in a breath, inhaling the sweet scent of her...

 JARED: I'll run away with you if I have to! We'll go to Starlight Shores and get gigs together singing! We'll be the new Sonny and Cher!
JARED: I have old fashioned tastes! Bieber and Gomez maybe?
ALEISHA: Oh...why are you doing this?
JARED: Because I you very much!

After leaving Aleisha at the park, his head was buzzing. Could he really run away and leave his little sis? She fell asleep fully clothed on top of her bed that night, snuggled into her hero! If only he didn't have to choose, the girl he loved or the sister he adored!

 That morning he got up early, feeling useless, determined to get some sort of revenge on the evil Kes! And this was going to be so much fun!

 As he quickly retreated he heard a gruff voice order Aleisha to "stay there"...

 ...out he came, this man who was causing Aleisha such pain...

 The prank couldn't have gone better, especially as he was wearing flip flops!!!

 As he growled angrily scraping the muck off of his feet, Jared's loud cackle echoed around the lot, and he spotted him...


 KES: You just bought yourself an early ticket to hell!

 KES: You and me? We have some business to finish...but not now I have plans!
JARED: I'm looking forward to it...MISTER GREEN!

 At school, Jared's friends began to avoid him, his reputation as a rebel was frightening the other kids. And one afternoon, Shane Eppson came home from school with Mason, uneasy about being around his younger brother!

SHANE: There's something goin' on with your brother man! It's all around the school! He's in some serious trouble with that guy from Twinbrook!
MASON: You must be mistaken, my brother doesn't get into trouble! 

Even though Mason knew his brother was a good kid, he felt he needed to have a chat with him. His behaviour had been a bit off lately...

MASON: Jared, we need to talk! 
JARED: No we really don't bro!

 MASON: Jared, if you some sort of...trouble, you know you can come to me right? You know I'm here for you!
JARED: I know that Mase, but there are some things a man needs to sort out by himself!
MASON: But you're not a man, you're a kid...and I don't want to see you get hurt, you're my brother and I care...
JARED: Please don't get involved I can handle me!

 But he knew he couldn't handle it, rather than get his brother in trouble with him...he went to his dad!

JARED: Beat it Darce I need to talk to dad!
DARCY: Huh? How rude...
CODY: Darcy. It's fine, Me and your brother have some stuff to take care of!

 As Darcy stalked off in a strop, Jared explained that he was ready to open up to his dad now...

 CODY: So I take it you're ready to tell me what's going on with you?
JARED: Yes, and please don't get mad?

 JARED: I met a girl, Aleisha, she came here from Twinbrook with a man claiming to be a manager in the music industry. He took a load of money from her parents and used it to gamble! Now he won't let her talk to her parents, he's lying, she's crying all the time and...
CODY: You love her!

 JARED: Yes! how did you...
CODY: A father knows these things! Do you want granddad to sort it?
JARED: She won't let me, he has some sort of hold on her, she's so scared! But I have proof he's a fraud! 
CODY: Then prove it!

 CODY: Son, do the right thing! I'll support you all the way, anything you want me to do you just have to ask!

 JARED: Just...don't be angry with me dad, I have to do this..I have to save her!

 CODY: I support you 100%! If you love this girl...then fight for her kid! If this was your mother? I'd claw my way through hell to save her!

 JARED: Thanks you!
CODY: I love you too! And I got your back son!

 Mason had broken down to his mother, telling her that Jared was in trouble, she naturally took her own fears to Cody...

 ...who told her to leave the boy, let him handle it! She didn't like the idea, but Aleisha had called crying, Kes was trying to get more money out of her, and had taken her to the casino! Jared immediately raced to her aid as Cody called the police...

 Jared arrived just in time to see Kes going for Aleisha!

 KES: Where's the rest of the money you little twerp???

 KES: Oh look Aleisha, it's your little boyfriend here to finish our business! Stand back while he gets his butt kicked, I'll just be a minute!

 As Kes pushed Aleisha aside and thrust a punch towards Jared, something clicked inside him and he leaned back, bringing his foot up to kick Kes hard in the stomach...

 ...Aleisha tried to hide the smile on her face as Kes...

 ...was winded and knocked himself out as he landed on the floor!

 Aleisha grabbed Jared and planted a big wet kiss on his lips!

 They stood there for what felt like an age, lips firmly pressed together, afraid to let go! Until the sirens wailed in the distance and they made a run for it!

 But Jared could no longer contain himself and kissed her again outside the casino as police officers raced in and no doubt arrested Kes!

 JARED: You're safe now...I saved you!

Aleisha once again pulled Jared towards her, wrapped her arms around him and...

 ...gave him another kiss!

 ALEISHA: My hero!

ALEISHA: I have to go soon, my bus back to Twinbrook is at 6am!
JARED: Don't remind me, I can't bear it that you're leaving!
ALEISHA: I'll come back...I'll miss you Jared, nobody has ever done what you did for me!
JARED: I'd do it again and again! I promise you, no one will ever hurt you again! You've got me always and forever!
ALEISHA: Forever is a very long time Jared!
JARED: And we've got that long to be together! Just promise you'll come back after graduation?
ALEISHA: Count on it!

The End!


  1. I'm not sure who's cuter, Mason and Annalisa, or Jared and Aleisha. Do you have someone for Sienna, because I'd like to make someone for her.

    1. I've got someone, his name is Malik and he is a poor wee soul! You'll see him in the next special. The whole Sienna/Malik relationship is based around the story of You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift. She'll adore him from day one, but it'll take him a while to realise she's the one for him! ;o)

    2. I'm fine with that, that just gives me another chance to see what kind of love story you can come up with ;)

  2. Awwwwwww - I just loved this one too

  3. Daww ;) They're adorable♥! I can't wait the next post LJ :)


Feel free to comment, but be nice! I share my thoughts and my stories with you because I want to, not to be insulted! Have a nice day! :)