Thursday 26 April 2012

The Shylife of Cody Von Strunkle: Part 3

Generation 7

Yep it's another chapter! Last time we met new addition Darcy, Cody was working a bit too hard, Mason was all kinds of cute and Willow aged up into a teen! So let's begin where we left off shall we? Cody had a new toy and Tia was the unlucky victim to try it out, so what happened?

 CODY: Tia? Holy cow it worked!

 CODY: Hmm...this could be fun!

 Ten minutes later...

TIA: Whoa..what...?

 TIA: Cody? Wasn't I supposed to help you with a new gadget?
CODY: Um yeah but it can wait!

Naughty Cody! What did you?

 WILLOW: Okay I'm ready for prom!

You're a day early!

 WILLOW: So who are you taking to prom?
HEATH: I'm going solo, a lone wolf baby!

 WILLOW: Me too, it's depressing!
HEATH: Is it?

 Gino was trying hard to achieve his lifetime wish and was interviewing Tobin Von Strunkle...

TOBIN: He had four legs and three heads and he called my name...
GINO: Uh-huh?
TOBIN: ...TOOOOOOOBIN! It growled at me with red eyes and...

 TOBIN: ...are you getting all this?
GINO: Yep carry on *mutters* Jeebus this dude is totally nuts!

That's your wife's cousin? Okay fair point! XD

 Back at the legacy house, Lacey was taking against the ghost of her grandmother!

LACEY: Ew ghost!
DAWN: Grannny to you young lady!
HEATH: *snort* Granny to you ha ha ha!

 DAWN: Arrrrgh don't mess with me boy! My muskels are like rock!
HEATH: More like jelly, you're see through for goodness sake!
DAWN: Ach kids today, no respect!

 Not only did Gino have to interview people for his job, but he had to rummage in their bins too...

GINO: *rustlerustle* What's this then? A copy of Jedward's autobiography? Pah!

 GINO: Whoa! Anybody watchin? No? 

 GINO: This Jerry Von Strunkle is a slippery customer!

And a vampire!

 Willow returned from prom to she showed her big brother her impression of a dog...

CODY: Yeah, I think you need to work on your bark!

Both she and Heath were prom king and queen! Both riding solo, but they enjoyed themselves nonetheless. Although Heath did get all romantic with one Sambuca Jones (sorry Santeladelta) but she wasn't his type! She asked him to run away with her but he declined, so she went alone!

 Little Darcy was trying to get out of the talkathon her mother had in store for her!

DARCY: My feet are BIG! Tra la la la!
TIA: Come on Darcy say mummy?

 DARCY: What? Do I look like a ventriloquist's dummy to you?
TIA: Darcy? Come on talk to me!
DARCY: Not a chance lady!

 Darcy got a slight reprieve as it was Heath's birthday! Yes it was the day he was waiting for! Heath would be a man and soon emulate Cody, his idol!

 HEATH: I wish for sexiness and to be as cool as Cody!

Heathy, now a klepto like mamma! And hot!

 As the family were celebrating Heath's age-up, Cody was about to head out to work. But Tia needed to have a serious talk with her husband...

TIA: Cody? Do you have to go?
CODY: I need to go to a Simfest and...
TIA: Honey, your children are missing out on some very important and essential daddy time!

 CODY: Babe, somebody has to go and make money so that they have everything they want growing up!
TIA: Cody? You're a Von Strunkle! We have 397,543 simoleans in the bank! We DO NOT need the money!
CODY: I'm only level 8, when I get to the top I promise I'll...

 TIA: Cody Von Strunkle your babies won't stay babies forever! Please stay home...for me?
CODY: Dammit woman!

 CODY: Okay, I promise I will stay home for a few days and spend some time with my babies and my babe! You know I'd do anything for you...I'd even quit for you!
TIA: I would never ask that, I know how much you love your job! Almost as much as I love you!

 CODY: I'm sorry I got side tracked, you and Mason and Darcy are my everything! Being a magician pales into comparison!

 Tia was relieved that her husband was staying home that night, but she was also a little afraid that she might have jeopardised their marriage by asking him to give up something he loved!

 MASON: Daddy?
CODY: Yeah little bud, daddy;s staying home tonight!


  MASON: Stay home forever and ever daddy pretty please?
CODY: We'll see son, we will see!

 As Cody held his little boy in his arms, he realised what was truly important...and it wasn't his career!

 There was nothing more rewarding than being a father! It just took his beautiful wife to show that to him! He knew there was a reason he married her, she was a smart cookie...and sexy as heck! XD

 DARCY: Daddy?

CODY: Hey there my little ladybug! Daddy's home tonight!
DARCY: Weely?

 DARCY: I wuv yoo daddy!
CODY: Aw baby girl, my cup runneth over!

 CODY: Here comes the tickle monster, he wants to tickle you to DEATH MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
DARCY: *giggle* Stop stop! MORE! *giggle*

 That night Cody spent every minute with his son and daughter. As his wife Tia looked on, seeing how much her husband was enjoying himself with their little ones made her heart swell! She'd done the right thing, they were going to be okay!

 Resentment was the last thing on Cody's mind, he was grateful that before these beautiful babies grew up, he had a chance to see them become the amazing human beings they were going to be!

 TIA: Am I forgiven?
CODY: For what?
TIA: Making you choose!
CODY: I chose for myself, you just showed me the way!

 That next day Heath decided to move out, and he took Willow with him for company...

 ...and here is where they moved to! Right next door to casa Von Strunkle!

 Evening quickly came and Will had been fishing all day! Heath had arranged a party and she was staying put...

 His first night of freedom went to his head...

 ...or was it the bubbles?

His party was a modest success and this young lady caught hi beady eye! Her name was Christi Laing and she and Heath became fast friends!

 In fact he invited her to his graduation and she was glad to come!

 She drove them back home after the ceremony...

WILLOW: So...are you guys
CHRISTI: Yeah I think we are!
HEATH: Really?

Yes it seemed Christi had it bad for our Heathy!

 WILLOW: You guys are going to make out, I can tell so...

 WILLOW: Outta here!
HEATH: I'm sorry about her!
CHRISTI: It's okay, I like her, she's got sass!

 HEATH: Anyway, for you! Just to say thanks for being my friend!

 Heath kissed Christi and she returned the kiss, overcome with the whole emotion of it...

 ...Heath proposed! Luckily she accepted!

 They were married on the spot and finally Heath knew what it was like to be Cody, he had found his Tia!

 Meanwhile back at the legacy house, Mason and Darcy were enjoying having daddy home for the past couple of days...but this day he had gone missing!

DARCY: Mason? Mummy took daddy away to the bedroom next door!

 MASON: We shall see bout dis! Cuttin' into our daddy time nu-uh!

 CODY: wanna...
TIA: I thought you'd never ask!

 What? The kids weren't the only ones being neglected! ;o)

 Tia and Cody's little private time was abruptly ended when they both heard Mason's voice outside the door...

CODY: What's up little buddy?
MASON: Daddy you spend time with us! Forever and ever!
CODY: Sure little guy, just let daddy have some breakfast okay?

 MASON: Oh Bobo, I love you but I love daddy more!

 Later on that evening Tia took Darcy out for a stroll as she was going stir crazy at home, but had to double back...

 TIA: Ooooooooohhhhhhh!
MASON: Mummy?
BUTLER: Oh she gonna puke!

 DARCY: Hey! Mamma bear, the bathroom is that way! DO NOT ick all over me!

 After being very ill in the bathroom, Tia decided to take Mason out this time, but they didn't get very far...

 ...he enjoyed it all the same!

MASON: YAY! I'm goin' travelin'!

 Gino finally found a moment to inspect his granddaughter!

GINO: Hello sweetheart!
LACEY: Yoos has donut breath!

 GINO: Ticklish my dear? 
DARCY: Noooooooooo!

 GINO: This one's got my hair...I'm touched!

You really look it! XD

 GINO: Wasn't that Tia that flew past me?

 TIA: Sorry dad, gotta run!

 TIA: BleeeeeeeeuuuurrrghDarcyiscryingandIcan'tgetupbleeeeeeeeuuuuurrrrggghhh!

That is because she is being kidnapped by a granny ninja!

DARCY: Waaaaah! Black! She's scary!
LACEY: But my earrings are green!

 Kitty came out just for ENTELLIGENT! She was missing everyone and felt a little game play was in order, but the pool was invading her thoughts for some reason!

 And our heir was in for a shock!

CODY: What's happening?!?!
TIA: We're having another baba!
CODY: *gulp*

 Trying to get over the trauma, Cody took to performing for tips in his back garden!

 But that look of surprise was never far from his beautiful features!

 CODY: It's a lamp! *grin*

Speaking of...

 Heath found another lamp and this time gave it to his sister to occupy her!

WILLOW: What is with Heath and these dirty a$$ lamps???

 WILLOW: Whoa there!

 GENIE: Greetings Mor...
GENIE: *ahem* Let me finish! Greetings Mortal, you may have three wishes, what will they be?

 WILLOW: Oh I dunno, money?
GENIE: *sigh* How original! Very well, money it is!

 WILLOW: What the hell are you doing???
GENIE: Shush I'm working here!


 WILLOW: Unimpressive!

 GENIE: Congrats on the baby!
CHRISTI: Thank you, er, who are you?

 GENIE: I am Garth, genie to Willow my master!
CHRISTI: Oh, course you are...silly me!
GENIE: Do you like the Fonz? Rock on!
CHRISIT: Ummm...

 GENIE: Oh sh...

 CHRISTI: Darn baby brain! I'm seeing things now!

 Christi thought she had imagined Garth the genie, so never mentioned it to her husband Heath. he would have thought she was mad...wouldn't he?

 The next morning as Willow was getting ready for school, the genie was getting impatient for her next wish!

GENIE: You thought of one yet?
WILLOW: Nope, back in the lamp blue dude!

 Willow managed to get through school and when she arrived home her sister-in-law had a guest.

 CHRISTI: Hi Will, come meet our new housemate! This is Tommie Foy!

Willow sighed at the thought of yet another person in the house!

 But when she looked at Tommie Foy, her heart skipped a beat...and she could tell he was just as entranced by her! Only problem was their age gap!

 GENIE: So, you got a wish yet?
WILLOW: As a matter of fact I do!

 And just as she was about to make another wish, Christi went into labour...

TOMMIE: Yeah, girl's havin' a baby!
CHRISTI: Yooooooow!

 Christi gave birth to little Gwen Von Strunkle, and Willow made her wish...

 Willow wished to become a young adult, so that she could be with Tommie!

 As soon as Tommie saw her all grown up, he gave her flowers and couldn't keep his eyes off of her! He had fallen hard!

Willow was so happy that she had made the wish, she was so ready to be an adult like her brothers and sisters! Her first kiss was like floating on air!

 Proposing to Tommie just felt right!

 She was so excited to be his wife...

 ...and Tommie couldn't wait...

 ...and like her brother before her, she was married straight away!

 That night, Willow and Tommie Von Strunkle were officially husband and wife...

 Happy camper!

 LOL Willow in her formal outfit! Insane at it's best!

 Back at the main house, Tia was fed up with being pregnant!

TIA: Get it out already!

 Cody began to laugh! And the reason was quite clear, like Jason many generations before him...

 ...Cody found birthdays high-larious!

 The gorgeous Mason was about to become a child, so here goes...

 Mason had Perfectionist locked in!

 MASON: Who is that in the mirror?

 MASON: *gasp* Is that...

 MASON:'s me! I'm a big boy now!
CODY: Hey Mase!

 CODY: Watch this my boy!

 CODY: Ta-da!

 MASON: *gasp* Whoa!

 MASON: You're awesome dad!
CODY: No you are awesome my son!

 MASON: My dad is the best!

Awww, he sure is honey!

 TIA: Come on baby, are you ready to come...


 CODY: Oh cripes! What the heck!!!
TIA: Aw gawd not again!

 Tia gave birth to a bubbly baby...


This here is Jared and he is named after my newest obsession, Jared Leto of 30 Seconds To Mars (but I remember him when he was a heartthrob actor in the '90s) and he is very cute indeed! Lacey's hair and eyes!

Anyhoo, whoa that was long! Sorry bout that! Anyway hope you enjoyed it regardless! Please leave me a comment, I love hearing from what do you think of the kids then? I know it's early a fave yet? ;o) Byeeeee! xxxx


  1. Great as always. Jared is cute, but Mason is still my favorite so far.

  2. I think Mason is my fave :D Thoroughly enjoying the new generation. Loves ya Cody!!

    1. Thank you! Me too I adore Cody! Mason is a cute kid! ;o)

  3. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww the children are all soo cute!!!
    I really love Jared and I just love Lacey Von Strunkle - Ninja Granny!
    My Fav is Darcy, I love her hair

    1. Thanks, this generation has been so much fun! XD


Feel free to comment, but be nice! I share my thoughts and my stories with you because I want to, not to be insulted! Have a nice day! :)